Catch up with a talk from a recent Sunday service, or search by speaker name of book of the Bible.
- Alex Warren
- Amanda Bell
- Amy Hughes
- Amy Orr-Ewing
- Anthony Buck
- Ben Heys
- Ben Rogers
- Bonnie Collington
- David Bennett
- Ed Veale
- Emma Monks
- Emma Monks
- Emma Kniebe
- Farida and Jamie Matthews
- Felix Stevenson
- Felix Stevenson
- Guest Speaker
- Guest Speaker
- H Metters
- Jago Wynne
- Jago Wynne
- James Farley
- James White
- Jamie Mulvaney
- Jamie Mulvaney
- Jason Roach
- Jonny Haines
- Jonny Hughes
- Jonny Johnson
- Josh Moxon
- Katie Colahan
- Kenny Sperry
- Kristi Mair
- Lydia Williames
- Mark Harris
- Mike Clayton
- Natalie Jones
- Nicky Gumbel
- Prof John Wyatt
- Professor Glynn Harrison
- Rachel Bradley
- Reema Shinhmar
- Rico Tice
- Rob Hooks
- Rory Heaton
- Ros Williams
- Ros Williams
- Rosie Jones
- Rosy Skinner
- Sarah Goodwin
- Sarah Seabrook
- Tim Jones
- Tim Farron
- Various speakers
- Vaughan Roberts
- Zim Okoli
Awe In The Ordinary (evening)
James White concludes our Awe In August series by asking if we fully understand how extraordinary our God is, and how it would change our worship if we were to comprehend who He is.
Awe In The Ordinary (morning)
Sarah Seabrook concludes our Awe In August series looking at the wonder of how God has worked our salvation in, and how we are to partner with God to work our salvation out.
The Burning Hearts
Sarah Seabrook concludes our Encounters With Jesus series looking at the disciples' encounter with the risen Christ on the road to Emmaus.
Raised From Sin
Guest speaker Ed Veale unpacks Jesus' encounter with the paralysed man lowered through the roof, and sharing how our need is greater than we think and Jesus meets us in that place.
The Criminal On The Cross
Alex Warren continues our Summer Nights series looking at Jesus’ encounter with the criminals on the cross.
You Had To Be There (evening)
Tim continues our Awe In August series looking at the early church and the church today.
You Had To Be There (morning)
God was powerfully at work in the early church, we long for this today! Reema looks at the relationship between devotion to God and awe of God and encourages us to be a people who are devoted.
The Sight Of Mercy
Ben Rogers looks at the encounter Jesus had with Bartimaeus and encourages us in what we can ask for in prayer.
Wisdom & True Worship
God has promised to astound us with wonders upon wonders, but what happens if our hearts aren't feeling it? Rory unpacks God’s warning and promise in Isaiah 29:13-24 and our need to have humble and reverent hearts before God in every circumstance of life.
The Grieving Sisters
Emma Kniebe looks at the encounter between Jesus and Mary & Martha in the midst of the death of their brother Lazarus.
No Longer Slaves
Josh begins our 'Awe in August' series speaking on the freedom we have as Christians.
Faltering Faith
Amanda continues our Summer Nights series speaking on knowing our need for Jesus and drawing near to him in faith.
The Needy Crowd
In our first Summer Nights talk Lydia kicks off our series called 'Encounters with Jesus' and speaks to us about one of Jesus' most famous miracles, the Feeding of the 5000. She discusses how we need Jesus' abundance in our lives because we are needy and because we are inadequate without Him. She goes on to say that Jesus can provide us with everything we need and more and how He can use us in our weaknesses.
John 6:1-15
Resourcing Church Sunday
On Resourcing Church Sunday Jago spoke about our vision as a church not to “grow to grow”, but to “grow to give”. The sermon included encouragements from where we have planted or been revitalising churches, and also exciting possibilities about how this might develop in the coming year. The prayer is that we might be a church teaching about Jesus “with all boldness and without hindrance”.
Intern Sunday Preachmania
On Intern Sunday, three of our interns Emma, Amanda and James take us through Paul's letters to Timothy looking at the encouragement to young leaders to have confidence in Christ and be bold in their ministry.
Clapham Sundae - Pat Allerton
An evangelistic message from Pat Allerton, otherwise known as ‘The Portable Priest'.
As part of the Clapham Sundae, guest speaker Pat Allerton looks at what Jesus’ first miracle means for us today and how we can experience life and life in all its fullness.
Lord Of The Sabbath
Josh Moxon concludes our Party Time? series looking at Jesus’ invitation to restoration and relationship in Sabbath rest with him.
Luke 6:1-11
New Wine
In our second 'Party Time?' talk Jamie explains our need for new wine and new wineskins. As well as understanding a little chemistry, we also need to know the cultural and religious backdrop to this parable so we don’t oversimplify what Jesus says. We also need to avoid the trap of holding the parable at arm’s length when it is primarily about us. And although Jesus appears to have come to subvert the norms, he is actually fulfilling all of scripture and demonstrating what his coming kingdom tastes, looks and feels like. This experience is far more dynamic, exciting and powerful than we could imagine.
The Invitation
Reema Shinhmar opens our Party Time series in Luke's gospel with the invitation that Jesus gives to Levi the tax collector.
Jesus tells us not to worry - but what does that actually mean and how can we learn to do that? Tim unpacks Jesus' teachings in Luke 12:22-34.