
2 Timothy Zim Okoli 2 Timothy Zim Okoli

Not Ashamed: Equipped to Endure

On Sunday Zim Okoli spoke on 2 Timothy 3:10-17 on how God equips us to endure persecution as Christians, looking at examples from other godly individuals. We also looked at the sufficiency of scripture.

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2 Timothy Jamie Mulvaney 2 Timothy Jamie Mulvaney

Not Ashamed

In the 2nd part of our Not Ashamed series in 2 Timothy, Jamie Mulvaney spoke on how God has a plan of grace for our life that is greater than we can imagine. When we know Jesus, the vision is grand but the cost is worth it.

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2 Timothy Felix Stevenson 2 Timothy Felix Stevenson

Not Ashamed: Leaders on Fire

On Sunday Felix Stevenson started a new series on 2 Timothy entitled "Not Ashamed". Felix spoke on 2 Timothy 1:1-7 on running the race of the Christian faith and how 'Spiritually on fire is what to desire'.

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