htc Worship 

Worship & Production at HTC

Worship, along with God’s Word and prayer, is one of the three pillars on which everything we do at HTC stands. We love to lift our voices in praise and worship to God, declaring who He is and what He has done for us in Jesus, and encountering and being transformed by His Holy Spirit.

Everything we do at HTC requires support from the Worship & Production Team, and so we are always looking for more volunteers!
Whether you love to serve in the worship band, on the production desk or in the choir or orchestra we would love to hear from you!

If you're interested in joining our amazing Worship & Production Team, please do fill out the form below and we'll be in touch as soon as we can.


Reset is an evening of extended worship that takes place monthly on a Thursday evening to reset our hearts to God and to seek Him in worship.

Our next Reset is on Friday 28th June at the Church Weekend Away at 9.30pm.

 HTC Worship Resources

As a worship team we have begun our journey of songwriting, trying to capture our own expression of worship rooted in what God is doing in us and our community right now. Here are some of the songs that we have written and sing in our services!

No One Like You

There is none in the heavens or on the earth comparable to Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He alone is worthy of our highest praise.

Listen to No One Like You now on all streaming platforms!

Get in touch

If you would like to know any more information about Worship & Production at HTC, including our Choir & Orchestra events, please do get in touch with Rory Heaton