We have lots going on for our youth at HTC both on a Sunday and throughout the week.

We are looking forward to seeing you in youth!

HTC Youth Gatherings

HTC Youth gather throughout the week and we’d love you to join us!

  • Monday evenings are our main mid-week discipleship time, a brilliant space to build community together through sharing a meal and β€˜hanging out’, followed by studying God’s word together, encourage one another and praying in small groups.

    See below for details of when and where your school year is meeting!

    Younger Youth (Years 6 - 9)

    6 - 7:15pm on Mondays in the hall of Trinity House Clapham, SW4 0BN.

    Older Youth (Years 10 - 13)

    7:30pm - 9pm on Mondays in the hall of Trinity House Clapham, SW4 0BN.

  • Younger Youth

    The youth meet together every Sunday morning during the 9.30am and 11.15am services. Sunday mornings are a great place to find community, pray and read the Bible together. This group is for youth aged 10-14 (schools years 6 - 9). To make check in easier and faster on a Sunday morning you can pre-register your young person. This way, when you arrive on a Sunday morning, your registration stickers will already be printed.

    To book for this week you can click here.

    Older Youth

    The Older Youth are welcome at any of our services but are particularly encouraged to attend the 5.30pm. We often meet in Starbucks for a drink before the service. If you would like your young person to be added to our Older Youth WhatsApp group or have any further questions, please send an email to Bonnie.

  • We run a mentoring program for year 10s and above. Please email Bonnie for more information and if this is something you think your young person would be interested in.

  • We organise regular youth socials such as ice skating and bowling. Sign up to our latest socials here.

  • Once a term we come together with local youth groups to play games, worship Jesus, learn from the Bible, pray and have fun other young people in the area.

    Follow us on instagram @southlondonyouth

Follow us on Instagram

Keep up to date with encouragements from God’s Word and all that HTC Youth are up to on our Instagram!
