The Ministry Year

Applications for 2024–2025 Are Now Open

The Ministry Year is a fantastic opportunity to grow in leadership alongside a growing staff team, to explore your gifts, serve, grow and lead in a variety of contexts within the life of the church.


The Ministry Year is a great place to learn. Whether it’s enhancing your talents or pushing past your comfort zone to gain new ones, you will have plenty of opportunities to broaden your skillset.


Much of your time with us will be spent serving! You can expect to serve in lots of different ways—from helping with the Breakfast Club to getting involved in our various Sunday services!


If you are looking to grow in your faith, The Ministry Year could be for you. Our MY’s have gone on to pursue a broad range of career paths including working for churches and charities, training for ordination, pursuing careers in the creative industries, and many more.


By the end of your time at HTC you will have been given plenty of opportunities to lead in your chosen ministry areas, and we hope to develop your leadership skills to prepare you for whatever career you choose to pursue after!

Don’t just take our word for it!

Hear from past and present MY’s on what they learned during their year…

“It’s been a huge blessing in a season of transition - to grow and develop in a place where people support and invest in you.”

Kathryn Matchett, HTC Intern 2023–2024

“This year has been excellent. It has allowed me to get involved in so many different areas of church life and has also answered a lot of my questions about what working in youth ministry looks like. Whether you’re looking for a year’s experience doing something a bit different or looking into working in churches as a full-time career, this year at HTC will serve you well.”

Dan Clayton, HTC Intern 2023-2024

“I’ve been involved in worship, the foodbank, youth, admin... and so much more. I have loved how the internship was adapted to my skill set, but still pushed me out my comfort zone.”

Hope Johnson, HTC Intern 2020–2021

“I gained deeper clarity about where God was leading me, and how my career would serve Him.

We also had a lot of fun! I made lifelong friends and decisions during that time.”

George Clarke, HTC Intern 2019–2020

“I loved building relationships with the staff team and congregation - connecting with people from different walks of life and seeing them encounter Jesus.

It was also a wonderful time of learning about my strengths and weaknesses, and how to depend on God in both. Through the time I saw God’s kindness and provision in new ways.”

Reema Shinhmar, HTC Intern 2019–2020


A Bit More Information

What does an average week look like?
From September to July, the average week will vary depending the ministry chosen as your primary focus—but generally, our MY’s work Sunday to Thursday, including some evening commitments. All of our MY’s help with the various courses we run throughout the year (like Alpha!).

Who’s it for?
The Ministry Year is aimed at those between 18 and 26 looking to spend a year as a full-time volunteer at a church. It’s great for those wanting to gain specific ministry experience (e.g. children's work, youth work, worship, outreach), those in the process of discerning a call to ordained ministry, or young people simply choosing to commit a year to serving the church. 

How does money work?
This is a volunteer year in ministry and as such, is not paid. However, housing is provided as needed, and a monthly amount for living expenses (such as food and travel) is provided.