Nice to meet you!

If you’re new to HTC then Welcome! We are so pleased you’ve found us and we’d love to get to know you. You can find out a little more about us on our About page but we’d also love to help you get more involved in our community here at HTC so here are a few ways to get you started!

Whether you are brand new to HTC or you’re simply looking to get more involved, we would love to hear from you! Fill in the short form at the link below and we will be in touch!

Let us know who you are!

Take a look at what’s coming up at HTC - from joining a sports club to socials and courses, there is plenty to get involved in.

Check out what’s coming up

Social Media: Follow us on Instagram (@holytrinityclapham), Twitter (@HTClapham), and Facebook (@holytrinityclapham).

YouTube: Subscribe to our YouTube channel (Holy Trinity Clapham) and catch up on all our lastest sermons, talks and videos.

Podcast: You can catch up on our daily podcast on all the usual podcast platforms including SoundCloud, Spotify and iTunes! (Just search for ‘Holy Trinity Clapham’).

Follow Us

And of course, make sure you join us this Sunday! We’d recommend picking a service to attend regularly so you get to know people attending the same service as you and make sure you hang around after the service for a short while - we’d love to say hello in person!

Join us this Sunday

Join ChurchSuite

We use a platform called ‘Churchsuite’ here at HTC which helps US keep up to date on any personal information you’d like to share with us, and helps YOU stay in the loop with what’s going on at HTC. If you’re new to HTC we recommend you take a look at this very short video on why we love Churchsuite and how it helps the HTC family stay connected!

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