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- Alex Warren
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- Ben Rogers
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- David Bennett
- Ed Veale
- Emma Monks
- Emma Monks
- Emma Kniebe
- Farida and Jamie Matthews
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- Felix Stevenson
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- Guest Speaker
- H Metters
- Jago Wynne
- Jago Wynne
- James Farley
- James White
- Jamie Mulvaney
- Jamie Mulvaney
- Jason Roach
- Jonny Haines
- Jonny Hughes
- Jonny Johnson
- Josh Moxon
- Katie Colahan
- Kenny Sperry
- Kristi Mair
- Lydia Williames
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- Prof John Wyatt
- Professor Glynn Harrison
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- Rico Tice
- Rob Hooks
- Rory Heaton
- Ros Williams
- Ros Williams
- Rosie Jones
- Rosy Skinner
- Sarah Goodwin
- Sarah Seabrook
- Tim Jones
- Tim Farron
- Various speakers
- Vaughan Roberts
- Zim Okoli
Tim starts a two-week series looking at two of the greatest challenges for Christians. Why should we forgive others and how can we learn to forgive those that have wronged us?
Matthew 18:21-35
In the final sermon in our Re:boot sermon series, for Pentecost Sunday, Jago speaks on the importance of desiring gospel growth, and the paradox that to actually see growth delivered, we need to desire other things more than growth. As we long for a rebuilding of God's church across South London, that will include a longing to see God rebuild us by the power of His Spirit.
What does it look like to reintegrate as the church after the pandemic? In the second of our Re:boot sermon series, Jago helps us see why God calls us to reintegrate as "members of one body", and what that looks like at HTC.
Jago started our Reboot series in Colossians speaking on our need to “Recalibrate” in this post-pandemic era. The talk helps us to recalibrate our view of Jesus, and to recalibrate our faith.
Future Hope
In the last of the Haggai series, H Metters looks at the future hope we have in Jesus, and how we can know this living hope today.
The Holy Remnant
As we continue to look at how we can build back better as the church, Jamie uses a scientific principle from the past year to describe our individual and collective need for holiness. As the Holy Remnant, the church can receive and pass on God’s blessing, but first we must give careful thought to our ways.
Former Glory
How do you work in hope when your expectations have been shattered? And as we emerge from the exile of a pandemic into another exile of a culture that asks the church to take up less and less space, we must take to heart God’s second message to those rebuilding the temple in Haggai. In this talk Jamie explains the glory we can know in the present and the future that can fill our lives, the church and bring peace to the world.
Haggai 2:1-9
Priorities and Presence: A Call to Build
Jago Wynne begins our four-week series in the book of Haggai with a call to build our lives on God's priorities and honour Him with our actions.
Easter Sunday
On Easter Sunday, Tim Jones preaches the good news of an empty tomb, a risen Saviour and a living hope.
Luke 24:1-12
Good Friday
On Good Friday, Jago Wynne shares in two sermons about the significance of Jesus’ crucifixion.
Why us and not the world?
Ros spoke about Jesus' response to the question 'Why do you intend to show yourself to us and not the world?' Jesus says 'Anyone who loves me will obey me'. The message of Jesus is that he has come for everyone and we can choose whether we respond to him. We can choose to trust and obey the one who loves us and who has the victory over all sin and death. Ros spoke about the way the Holy Spirit, the Advocate helps us to trust and obey.
Will you show us the Father?
H continues our Questioning Jesus series with Philip's question 'Will you show us the Father?'.
John 14:8-21
How can we know the way?
What does Jesus say to his followers who are troubled? He says that ‘I am the way the truth and the life'. Tim explores this famous statement and why Jesus being the only way to God is such good news!
Where are you going?
Jago continues our Questioning Jesus sermon series and helps us think through how to respond to “troubles with death” and “troubles with life”. We see the huge comfort of why Jesus can legitimately tell us “do not let your hearts be troubled” (John 14:1) even in the midst of all sorts of troubled times.
Who is it?
Jago asked the challenging question – “Are you faking it as a Christian?”, and helped us to think through what to do when we recognise elements of hypocrisy within us, and how Jesus responds to our hypocrisy. He also spoke into the challenging situation of high profile Christian leaders who have turned out to be frauds and fakes.
Are you my Servant?
Josh started our new series ‘Questioning Jesus’ looking at John 13, answering the question posed by the disciples to Jesus ‘Are you my Servant?’. Josh encouraged us to be reliant on Jesus, rooted in who he says we are and choose to live a radical life of humility and love because Jesus first showed us how to love.
John 13:1-17
Godly Habits
As we launch the HTC Get Together Week, Reema explores the Godly habits we are instructed to live out in Hebrews 10. These include not giving up meeting together in light of Christ's return.
All The More
As we launch the HTC Get Together Week, Jamie speaks on familiar verses from Hebrews including that we should not give up meeting together. Given the current context, he looks at the heightened importance of this command and how it leads to us living an ‘all the more’ life.
Christ in the City
At a time when many people are questioning the future of the city, and thinking that “the grass is greener” in the countryside, Jago speaks on Christ in the City from Revelation 21. He helps us to see God’s passion for the city, and how the City is our ultimate future. He challenges us to stay connected to the city in the present, and get connected to the City of the future.
Christ in Cancel Culture
A culture of condemnation and accusation has become so widespread that it has been given a name - “cancel culture”. Tim unpacks Jesus’ famous teaching on being salt and light, and explores what it means to bring Jesus’ life and hope in such a divided time. How can we be salt and light in a cancel culture?