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- Alex Warren
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- David Bennett
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- Emma Monks
- Emma Monks
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- Farida and Jamie Matthews
- Felix Stevenson
- Felix Stevenson
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- Guest Speaker
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- Jago Wynne
- Jago Wynne
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- Jamie Mulvaney
- Jamie Mulvaney
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- Jonny Hughes
- Jonny Johnson
- Josh Moxon
- Katie Colahan
- Kenny Sperry
- Kristi Mair
- Lydia Williames
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- Professor Glynn Harrison
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- Reema Shinhmar
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- Rob Hooks
- Rory Heaton
- Ros Williams
- Ros Williams
- Rosie Jones
- Rosy Skinner
- Sarah Goodwin
- Sarah Seabrook
- Tim Jones
- Tim Farron
- Various speakers
- Vaughan Roberts
- Zim Okoli
All-Age Good Friday Service - The Mystery of the Signs
At our All-Age Good Friday service, Investigator Izzy investigates the various signs surrounding Jesus' death which are there so that you might believe.
Palm Sunday - Evening
On Palm Sunday evening Anthony Buck spoke on Matthew 21:1-11 and Philippians 2:5-11 on who is Jesus and how we can respond to Him.
Palm Sunday - Morning
On Palm Sunday morning, Sarah Seabrook spoke on Philippians 2: 5-11 on laying down our crowns of entitlement and choosing to serve others like Christ.
Lent Discipleship School: Left and Right: Following Jesus in a divided world | The Poor
In the last session of our Lent Discipleship School in our 'Left and Right: Following Jesus in a divided world' series, Rachel Bradley from London City Mission spoke on how we view poverty and walk alongside those who are poor.
Left and Right: Following Jesus in a divided world - Gospel Glasses and Gary Lineker's tweet
On Sunday Jago Wynne concluded our series on Left and Right, speaking from Psalm 19. Jago spoke on how we need to wear Gospel glasses to view the world rather than left or right glasses.
Lent Discipleship School: Left and Right: Following Jesus in a divided world | Politics Part 2 Q&A
In our Lent Discipleship School series on Left and Right: Following Jesus in a divided world, Tim Farron answered questions from the audience on Christians and politics. Part 2 of 2. For part 1 click here.
Lent Discipleship School: Left and Right: Following Jesus in a divided world | Politics Part 1
In the second of our Lent Discipleship School series on Left and Right: Following Jesus in a divided world, Tim Farron shared some of his own journey to faith and how Christians can live out their faith in a world of politics. Part 1 of 2
Left and Right: Following Jesus in a divided world - Money and the Economy
On Sunday Jamie Mulvaney spoke on Matthew 6:19-24 on Money and the Economy as part of our Left and Right series on Following Jesus in a divided world.
Lent Discipleship School: Left and Right: Following Jesus in a divided world | Identity Part 2
In week 1 of our Lent Discipleship School, Professor Glynn Harrison spoke on the topic of identity. For Part 1 of the talk click here.
Lent Discipleship School: Left and Right: Following Jesus in a divided world | Identity Part 1
In week 1 of our Lent Discipleship School, Professor Glynn Harrison spoke on the topic of identity. Click here for Part 2 of the talk.
Left and Right: Following Jesus in a divided world - Status and Identity
On Sunday, Professor Glynn Harrison spoke on Acts 11:19-30 on the subject of Status and Identity.
Finding God in the darkness (evening)
On Sunday evening Josh Moxon spoke on Lamentations 4 and 5 on how the cross turns the tables on our sin and the hope we have when we turn to Jesus.
Finding God in the darkness (morning)
On Sunday morning Jamie Mulvaney spoke on Lamentations 4 and 5 on the hope we have in Jesus and how revival is possible from what we learn in Lamentations.
Finding hope in the darkness (evening)
On Sunday evening Zim Okoli spoke from Lamentations 3 on Finding Hope in the Darkness and how we can still have hope in God even in the midst of our deepest darkness and most difficult struggles.
Finding hope in the darkness (morning)
On Sunday morning Tim Jones spoke on Lamentations 3 and how we can still have hope in God's faithfulness and goodness and are not consumed even if we are facing insurmountable difficulties.
Finding ourselves in the darkness (evening)
On Sunday evening Jamie Mulvaney spoke on Lamentations 1&2: Finding ourselves in the darkness and how God has suffered even more than our own suffering.
Finding ourselves in the darkness (morning)
In the first part of our series on Lamentations, Felix Stevenson spoke on the subject of ‘Finding ourselves in the darkness’ from Lamentations 1&2.
David Bennett at HTC
This recording summarises everything David Bennett shared at Holy Trinity Clapham giving his testimony and speaking on radical inclusion and radical holiness on the subject of sexuality, and in light of the debates at General Synod.
You are Loved Part 4
In the final part of our series on ‘You are Loved’, Natalie Jones spoke on Romans 12- 13 and how we can practically put God’s love into action towards others in our everyday lives.
You are Loved Part 3
In the 3rd part of our 'You are Loved' sermon series, Jago Wynne spoke on Romans 8:28-39, focusing on how much we are loved by God.