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- Alex Warren
- Amanda Bell
- Amy Hughes
- Amy Orr-Ewing
- Anthony Buck
- Ben Heys
- Ben Rogers
- Bonnie Collington
- David Bennett
- Ed Veale
- Emma Monks
- Emma Monks
- Emma Kniebe
- Farida and Jamie Matthews
- Felix Stevenson
- Felix Stevenson
- Guest Speaker
- Guest Speaker
- H Metters
- Jago Wynne
- Jago Wynne
- James Farley
- James White
- Jamie Mulvaney
- Jamie Mulvaney
- Jason Roach
- Jonny Haines
- Jonny Hughes
- Jonny Johnson
- Josh Moxon
- Katie Colahan
- Kenny Sperry
- Kristi Mair
- Lydia Williames
- Mark Harris
- Mike Clayton
- Natalie Jones
- Nicky Gumbel
- Prof John Wyatt
- Professor Glynn Harrison
- Rachel Bradley
- Reema Shinhmar
- Rico Tice
- Rob Hooks
- Rory Heaton
- Ros Williams
- Ros Williams
- Rosie Jones
- Rosy Skinner
- Sarah Goodwin
- Sarah Seabrook
- Tim Jones
- Tim Farron
- Various speakers
- Vaughan Roberts
- Zim Okoli
Food for the Soul: A Meal That Satisfies
On Sunday morning we looked at the third part in our series, "Food for the Soul". Zim Okoli preached on Luke 9:10-17 on Jesus feeding the five thousand.
Food for the Soul: A Meal of Community (evening)
On Sunday Reema Shinhmar spoke on Luke 7:36-50 as part of our series on Food for the Soul. Reema looked at the sinful woman who anointed Jesus' feet.
Food for the Soul: A Meal of Community (morning)
In the 2nd part of our sermon series on Food for the Soul, Felix Stevenson spoke on Luke 7:36-50 about the sinful woman who anointed Jesus.
Food for the Soul: A Meal of Grace - Evening
On Sunday evening Jamie Mulvaney looked at how Jesus’ calling of Levi from Luke 5: 27-32 is the explanation to what our calling is in life.
Food for the Soul: A Meal of Grace
On Sunday we began a new series called "Food for the Soul", looking at the different meals Jesus ate in Luke's gospel and how each one demonstrates God's grace. In the first of our series, Josh Moxon spoke on Luke 5: 27-32 on the calling of Levi.
A Vision for Joy part 3
In the final part of our three-part Vision sermon series: “A Vision for Joy”, Jago spoke on Isaiah 25:6-9 and went further into how we can know joy even in the most challenging circumstances.
A Vision for Joy part 2
In the second of our three-part Vision sermon series: “A Vision for Joy”, Jago spoke on Isaiah 54:1-3 on how to be fruitful rather than fruitless both as a church and as individuals.
A Vision for Joy part 1
In the first part of our three-part Vision Sunday series entitled “A Vision for Joy”, Jago spoke on how we we can know a deep personal and unshakeable joy no matter what the circumstances or what is going on in our lives.
Try Church Sunday: Is Christianity out of date?
On Try Church Sunday, Amy Orr-Ewing looked at the parable of the Good Samaritan and considered the question “Is Christianity out of date?”
Faith's National Portrait Gallery: The Race
In the final part of our series in Hebrews, Ed Veale speaks on running the race set before us and how we should keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.
Tribute to the Queen
In response to Her Majesty the Queen’s death on Thursday, Jago Wynne gives a special message remembering the Queen and thanking God for her life. For many, the Queen has been a cornerstone, but we look to the chief Cornerstone, Jesus Christ in whom the Queen put her faith and in whom we should too.
Faith's National Portrait Gallery: Jericho and Rahab
In the penultimate part of our series ‘Faith’s National Portrait Gallery’, Jamie Mulvaney speaks on how to win a city for God as we look at the examples of Jericho and Rehab from Hebrews 11:30-31 .
Summer Nights: Walking With Jesus By Faith
In the last of our Summer Nights Felix Stevenson spoke on Mark 10:46-52. We come to Jesus in faith and as we walk with Him our sight is restored so we can see all that He has for us as we follow Jesus in all areas of our life.
Faith's National Portrait Gallery: Moses
As we look at the character of Moses, James Farley shows us how he is an example for us in following Jesus by pointing us to the beauty of Christ who we are to treasure and value above all else.
Summer Nights: Walking With Jesus In Service
Anthony Buck continues our Summer Nights series in Mark 10, thinking through what it means for us to walk with Jesus in service.
Faith's National Portrait Gallery: Joseph
Anthony Buck spoke from Hebrews 11:22 about how Joseph calls us to imitate his faith by being satisfied not by the world's promises but by God's promises.
Faith's National Portrait Gallery: Joseph
As we look at the rollercoaster life that Joseph endured, Josh speaks about how we can have faith when life's expectations are unmet and how God is with us through all our ups and downs.
Summer Nights: Walking With Jesus To The Cross
James Farley continues our Summer Nights series in Mark 10, thinking through what it means for us to follow Jesus to the cross.
Faith's National Portrait Gallery: Jacob
Looking at the messy life of Jacob, Ed Veale unpacks how God’s grace was at work in his life, till the very end.
Faith's National Portrait Gallery: Jacob
Natalie Jones looks at Jacob's inclusion in Faith's National Portrait Gallery, exploring how, in all his messiness, Jacob is proactive in coming to God in blessing and worship.