Catch up with a talk from a recent Sunday service, or search by speaker name of book of the Bible.
- Alex Warren
- Amanda Bell
- Amy Hughes
- Amy Orr-Ewing
- Anthony Buck
- Ben Heys
- Ben Rogers
- Bonnie Collington
- David Bennett
- Ed Veale
- Emma Monks
- Emma Kniebe
- Farida and Jamie Matthews
- Felix Stevenson
- Felix Stevenson
- Guest Speaker
- Guest Speaker
- H Metters
- Jago Wynne
- Jago Wynne
- James Farley
- James White
- Jamie Mulvaney
- Jamie Mulvaney
- Jason Roach
- Jonny Haines
- Jonny Hughes
- Jonny Johnson
- Josh Moxon
- Katie Colahan
- Kenny Sperry
- Kristi Mair
- Lydia Williames
- Mark Harris
- Mike Clayton
- Natalie Jones
- Nicky Gumbel
- Prof John Wyatt
- Professor Glynn Harrison
- Rachel Bradley
- Reema Shinhmar
- Rico Tice
- Rob Hooks
- Rory Heaton
- Ros Williams
- Ros Williams
- Rosie Jones
- Rosy Skinner
- Sarah Goodwin
- Sarah Seabrook
- Tim Jones
- Tim Farron
- Various speakers
- Vaughan Roberts
- Zim Okoli
Aflame Session 4
In session 4 of our Aflame weekend away, Nicky Gumbel spoke on Acts 2 and how to experience Pentecost today.
Aflame Seminar: Sparking creativity in your sphere
On Saturday afternoon of our Aflame weekend, Farida and Jamie Matthews spoke on Sparking creativity in your sphere.
Aflame Session 3
In session 3 of our Aflame weekend away, Amy Hughes spoke about 3 postures adopted by 3 different women in the gospels that can help us to be more aflame for Jesus.
Aflame Session 2
In session 2 of our Aflame Church Weekend Away, Jonny Hughes spoke on Elijah and the prophets of Baal.
Aflame Session 1
At our first session on our Church Weekend Away, Jago Wynne looked at three individuals in the Bible who had an encounter with God that involved fire.
The Lamb Aflame
On Sunday we concluded our series in Revelation with Felix Stevenson looking at the Lamb Aflame. Felix encouraged us to worship Jesus the lamb who paid the cost, that won you life so your future's not lost.
The Lion Aflame
On Sunday, Felix Stevenson spoke on Revelation 4:1-2 and 5:1-5 and how we should worship Jesus the Lion, our worthy sun, 'cause thanks to Him the victory is won.
The Lord Aflame
On Sunday, Jamie Mulvaney spoke on Revelation 1-3 and how we should be aflame with Jesus above us and aflame with Jesus among us.
God's Guide to Giving
On Sunday Ed Veale concluded our series in 1 Cornthians, speaking on God’s Guide to Giving and how we need to broaden our horizons, have generous hearts and rely on the grace of Jesus.
God's Guide to Eternity
On Sunday Josh Moxon spoke on God’s Guide to Eternity and the importance of the resurrection for us. As Christians, we need to remember the gospel, make the gospel of first importance, make the gospel personal and make the gospel known.
God's Guide to Gifts
On Sunday Jago Wynne spoke on God's Guide to Gifts and how spiritual gifts are for the benefit of the whole church.
God's Guide to Gathering
On Sunday, Jamie Mulvaney spoke on 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 on God's Guide to Gathering. When we come to communion, we should look in and examine ourselves, look out and discern the body of believers, and look up to the cross of Christ.
God's Guide to Freedom
On Sunday Felix Stevenson spoke on 1 Corinthians 10:23-11:1 on how, in considering which things we are free to partake in, we should consider whether they glorify God and how we should put others first.
God's Guide to Relationships
On Sunday Ed Veale spoke on 1 Corinthians 7:1-9, 25-35 and the gift of the married life, the single life and the ultimate life.
God's Guide to Holiness
On Sunday Jago Wynne spoke on 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 on the call to holiness, the challenge to holiness and the catalyst to holiness and how we should value our bodies.
God's Guide to Leadership
On Try Church Sunday, Jago Wynne spoke on 1 Corinthians 4:1-3 on God's Guide to Leadership and how a good leader is a servant, a steward and is secure.
God's Guide to Power
On Easter Sunday Jamie Mulvaney spoke on Luke 24:13-35 and the hope of the risen Jesus who wants to set our hearts on fire for Him.
Easter Sunday
On Easter Sunday Jamie Mulvaney spoke on Luke 24:13-35 and the hope of the risen Jesus who wants to set our hearts on fire for Him.
Reflective Service
At our reflective service, Felix Stevenson asked the question of what do we think of Jesus and what does he think of us.
All-Age Good Friday Service - Investigating the story of Good Friday
At our All-Age Good Friday Service, Investigator Izzy investigated the mystery of what is so good about Good Friday.