
Genesis Rory Heaton Genesis Rory Heaton

Wisdom & True Worship

God has promised to astound us with wonders upon wonders, but what happens if our hearts aren't feeling it? Rory unpacks God’s warning and promise in Isaiah 29:13-24 and our need to have humble and reverent hearts before God in every circumstance of life.

Isaiah 29:13-24

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Genesis Lydia Williames Genesis Lydia Williames

The Needy Crowd

In our first Summer Nights talk Lydia kicks off our series called 'Encounters with Jesus' and speaks to us about one of Jesus' most famous miracles, the Feeding of the 5000. She discusses how we need Jesus' abundance in our lives because we are needy and because we are inadequate without Him. She goes on to say that Jesus can provide us with everything we need and more and how He can use us in our weaknesses.

John 6:1-15

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Genesis Jago Wynne Genesis Jago Wynne

Resourcing Church Sunday

On Resourcing Church Sunday Jago spoke about our vision as a church not to “grow to grow”, but to “grow to give”. The sermon included encouragements from where we have planted or been revitalising churches, and also exciting possibilities about how this might develop in the coming year. The prayer is that we might be a church teaching about Jesus “with all boldness and without hindrance”.

Acts 28:23-31

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Genesis Guest Speaker Genesis Guest Speaker

Clapham Sundae - Pat Allerton

An evangelistic message from Pat Allerton, otherwise known as ‘The Portable Priest'.

As part of the Clapham Sundae, guest speaker Pat Allerton looks at what Jesus’ first miracle means for us today and how we can experience life and life in all its fullness.

John 2:1-11

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Genesis Jamie Mulvaney Genesis Jamie Mulvaney

New Wine

In our second 'Party Time?' talk Jamie explains our need for new wine and new wineskins. As well as understanding a little chemistry, we also need to know the cultural and religious backdrop to this parable so we don’t oversimplify what Jesus says. We also need to avoid the trap of holding the parable at arm’s length when it is primarily about us. And although Jesus appears to have come to subvert the norms, he is actually fulfilling all of scripture and demonstrating what his coming kingdom tastes, looks and feels like. This experience is far more dynamic, exciting and powerful than we could imagine.

Luke 5:33-39

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Genesis Tim Jones Genesis Tim Jones


Tim starts a two-week series looking at two of the greatest challenges for Christians. Why should we forgive others and how can we learn to forgive those that have wronged us?

Matthew 18:21-35

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Genesis Jago Wynne Genesis Jago Wynne


In the final sermon in our Re:boot sermon series, for Pentecost Sunday, Jago speaks on the importance of desiring gospel growth, and the paradox that to actually see growth delivered, we need to desire other things more than growth. As we long for a rebuilding of God's church across South London, that will include a longing to see God rebuild us by the power of His Spirit.

Colossians 1:1-14

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Genesis Jago Wynne Genesis Jago Wynne


What does it look like to reintegrate as the church after the pandemic? In the second of our Re:boot sermon series, Jago helps us see why God calls us to reintegrate as "members of one body", and what that looks like at HTC.

Colossians 3:1-17

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Genesis Jago Wynne Genesis Jago Wynne


Jago started our Reboot series in Colossians speaking on our need to “Recalibrate” in this post-pandemic era. The talk helps us to recalibrate our view of Jesus, and to recalibrate our faith.

Colossians 2:6-10

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Genesis Jamie Mulvaney Genesis Jamie Mulvaney

The Holy Remnant

As we continue to look at how we can build back better as the church, Jamie uses a scientific principle from the past year to describe our individual and collective need for holiness. As the Holy Remnant, the church can receive and pass on God’s blessing, but first we must give careful thought to our ways.

Haggai 2:10-19

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Genesis Jamie Mulvaney Genesis Jamie Mulvaney

Former Glory

How do you work in hope when your expectations have been shattered? And as we emerge from the exile of a pandemic into another exile of a culture that asks the church to take up less and less space, we must take to heart God’s second message to those rebuilding the temple in Haggai. In this talk Jamie explains the glory we can know in the present and the future that can fill our lives, the church and bring peace to the world.

Haggai 2:1-9

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