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- Alex Warren
- Amanda Bell
- Amy Hughes
- Amy Orr-Ewing
- Anthony Buck
- Ben Heys
- Ben Rogers
- Bonnie Collington
- David Bennett
- Ed Veale
- Emma Monks
- Emma Kniebe
- Farida and Jamie Matthews
- Felix Stevenson
- Felix Stevenson
- Guest Speaker
- Guest Speaker
- H Metters
- Jago Wynne
- Jago Wynne
- James Farley
- James White
- Jamie Mulvaney
- Jamie Mulvaney
- Jason Roach
- Jonny Haines
- Jonny Hughes
- Jonny Johnson
- Josh Moxon
- Katie Colahan
- Kenny Sperry
- Kristi Mair
- Lydia Williames
- Mark Harris
- Mike Clayton
- Natalie Jones
- Nicky Gumbel
- Prof John Wyatt
- Professor Glynn Harrison
- Rachel Bradley
- Reema Shinhmar
- Rico Tice
- Rob Hooks
- Rory Heaton
- Ros Williams
- Ros Williams
- Rosie Jones
- Rosy Skinner
- Sarah Goodwin
- Sarah Seabrook
- Tim Jones
- Tim Farron
- Various speakers
- Vaughan Roberts
- Zim Okoli
How on Earth - How can I know truth in an age of suspicion?
On Sunday Zim Okoli concluded our 'How on earth' series, speaking on 'How can I know truth in an age of suspicion?'. We learned that suspicion leads to despair but trust in God leads to flourishing.
How on Earth - How to be a non-anxious presence in an anxious world
On Sunday Felix Stevenson spoke on Matthew 6:25-34 on How to be a non anxious presence in an anxious world. Jesus speaks to our heads, hearts and hands when He tells us not to be anxious.
How on Earth - How to be good
On Sunday, Jago Wynne spoke on Mark 10:17-31 on how to be good and how the key to goodness is to receive not to achieve.
How on Earth - How to flourish when Christianity seems so restrictive
On Sunday David Bennett spoke on how we can flourish by not ascending in our own strength but by descending - ie denying ourselves, taking up our cross and following Jesus.
How on Earth - How to Date Well
Guest speaker Jason Roach looks at Jesus' two commands to his disciples as a model for how Christians should look to date well.
How on Earth - How to Forgive Well
On Sunday Josh Moxon looked at the parable of the unforgiving servant from Matthew 18:21-25 and examined how we can forgive well.
How on Earth - How to Care For The Environment
Jago Wynne explores how we can have a ‘plank-full’ response the Climate Crisis through the hope held out to us in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
How on Earth - How to Stay Positive About the Future
On Sunday we began a new series called 'How on Earth?'. Felix Stevenson spoke on Psalm 100 on 'How to have a standout year'. Felix spoke on how we can enjoy God by knowing God.
How on Earth - How to Have a Standout Year
On Sunday we began a new series called 'How on Earth?'. Felix Stevenson spoke on Psalm 100 on 'How to have a standout year'. Felix spoke on how we can enjoy God by knowing God.