
Genesis Jamie Mulvaney Genesis Jamie Mulvaney


You and I were made for more than mere existence, but life to the full. Jesus is not just our creator, but the creator of abundance in our lives. In this second of Jamie’s two talks on Creative Jesus, he explains how we can position ourselves for abundance and for God’s creative power.

John 2:1-11

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Genesis Jago Wynne Genesis Jago Wynne

Why is God good news in overcoming racism?

In the second of our Why series, Jago answers the vital question of our time - Why is God good news in overcoming racism? He looks at how the story of God is crucial for overcoming the story of racism, by looking at the danger of “othering” that exists in racism and in the parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector.

Luke 18:9-14

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Genesis Jamie Mulvaney Genesis Jamie Mulvaney

Why Are Christians Such Hypocrites?

In the first of our Why Series, Jamie examines Christian hypocrisy. He look at how the person of Jesus approaches hypocrisy and what happens when he gets tried in the court of public opinion along with the woman caught in the act of adultery. How he treats her is good news in our thirst for justice, but also our need for mercy. An encounter with Jesus brings so much potential for each one of us.

John 8:1-11

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Genesis Jamie Mulvaney Genesis Jamie Mulvaney

Restricted But Advancing - Week 9

Jamie asks if we can be content in an increasingly uncertain world. Paul’s secret to being content in any and every situation is not a philosophy nor a programme, but something far more dynamic, exciting and purposeful. Living with Jesus and for Jesus is always living your best life.

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Genesis Jamie Mulvaney Genesis Jamie Mulvaney

Restricted but Advancing - Week 4

Jamie looks at Philippians 2:19-30 and what we can learn about friendship in lockdown from Paul, Timothy and Epaphroditus. We see a passion for God that flows into compassion for people. With this compelling blend of conviction and compassion, we not only forge deep and genuine friendships, but we advance the Gospel together.

Philippians 2:19-30

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