
Genesis Jamie Mulvaney Genesis Jamie Mulvaney

Easter Sunday

Jamie Mulvaney asks what the resurrection means for us in this time of coronavirus. He tells us that the resurrection means that the worst thing is never the final thing. The good news of Easter Sunday is personal, powerful and purposeful. 

John 20

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Genesis Jago Wynne Genesis Jago Wynne

The Crown of Thorns

“This King who in love went to the cross. This King who is the best person to be in control of our lives. This King who is with us, who is for us, and who is in control. This King is King Jesus. “ Listen again as Jago speaks on Palm Sunday.

Matthew 27:26-31

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Genesis Jago Wynne Genesis Jago Wynne

The Technicolour Life: Perspective

Jago finishes our series on the life of Joseph and shows us how Joseph helps us have a new perspective on life and on death – both key things for us to grasp in this time of the coronavirus crisis.

Genesis 50:15-26

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Genesis H Metters Genesis H Metters

The Voice of the King

H Metters closes our series on the voices in Matthew 3 and 4 by looking at the voice of the King and more specifically the King's call.

Matthew 4:12-25

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Genesis Jamie Mulvaney Genesis Jamie Mulvaney

The Voice of Temptation

As we begin Lent, Jamie looks at the where the voice of temptation comes from. What can we learn from Jesus being tempted in the wilderness? The key is not to look at Jesus as your example, but as your Saviour.

Matthew 4:1-11

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Genesis Ben Heys Genesis Ben Heys

A Voice from Heaven - 6pm

Worship and Creative Pastor, Ben Heys, looks at Jesus' identity, his humanity and divinity. Ben also asks what voices are we listening to? Are we letting the world shape us or are we letting God the Father speak over us?

Matthew 3:13-17

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Genesis Tim Jones Genesis Tim Jones

A Voice in the Desert

Before the coming of Jesus, John the Baptist came preaching in the desert, preparing the people of God for the coming of Christ. John’s powerful message and call to repentance still speaks to us today.

Matthew 3:1-12

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Genesis Jamie Mulvaney Genesis Jamie Mulvaney

Challenging Christianity: How could a loving God send people to Hell?

In our cultural moment, which is characterised by public condemnation and shaming, most of us do not think about Hell, let alone talk about it. Jamie explains that however deeply uncomfortable it may be, Jesus' words and actions teach us how seriously he takes Hell. By facing up to this reality, we are confronted with the nature of humanity, judgement and Hell. At the same time, we also meet a God who is more loving than we expect.

Luke 15

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